Object type

East Coast for Holidays, Its Quicker by Rail Holiday Guide


Eastern Counties Railway Company General Meeting notes


Eastern Counties Railway timetable, passenger train times 1854

Railway timetable, Eastern Counties Railway


Memo, Eastern Counties Railway, Re Weighing of goods, 2 March 1859, From Station Master Woodbridge, (Other Associations 81/25/16).

Weighing of Goods


Rule book, Eastern Counties Railway, printed at the company works in Stratford, September 12th 1854 with the 1857 updates.

Eastern Counties Railway rule book


Eastern Counties railway from J. V. Gooch, locomotive superintendent, to James (Jas.) Mony. Dated 21st August 1850. The letter relates to Mony agreeing to work for the ECR.

ECR letter to Jas. Mony


Large rolled petition requesting the election of George Hudson to the Board of Directors of the Eastern Counties Railway, because "the present constitution of the Board of Directors is unsatisfactory especially in relation to the non-residence of so large a proportion of its members..."

Petition requesting the election of George Hudson to the Board of Directors of the Eastern Counties Railway (supplied title)

Delivery sheet, Eastern Counties Railway, filled out by hand, with sections for consignee, residence, carriage, weight and goods, 1858.

ECR delivery sheet


Eastern Counties Railway booklet "Rules of the Eastern Counties Railway Rifle Volunteers" published at Stratford, the company's works, East London, 1859. 24pp.

Rules of the Eastern Counties Railway Rifle Volunteers


Ticket, card, Eastern Counties Railway, for 'Excursion to Rye House and Gardens on Monday 16th July 1855', Tickets there and back costing 2s. 6d. including admission to ballroom, Ticket No.484, 1855, dimensions 58 x 111mm.

excursion to Rye House and Gardens


Rule book, Eastern Counties Railway, 1846, general, 51 pages, mauve card cover.

Eastern Counties Railway Rule Book 1846


Book "Signals & Regulations" issued by the Eastern Counties Railway. 20 Dec 1846. pp.51. With typed letter at the back of in red ink to Mr. Willis, civil engineer at Norwich from C.K. Brown.

signals & regulations issued by the eastern counties railway


Book "Signals & Regulations" issued by the Eastern Counties Railway. 20 Dec 1846. pp.51. With typed letter at the back of in red ink to Mr. Willis, civil engineer at Norwich from C.K. Brown.

signals & regulations issued by the eastern counties railway


Pay check, Eastern Counties Rly, metal disc, "76 Goods Department London". 1 1/4

ECR pay check

Cash bag label, brass, oval, Eastern Counties Railway, "ECR via Peterboro Swavesey", 1847-1862.

Eastern Counties Railway cash bag label


Invoice, blank, marked 185-. for the East Counties Railway.

blank invoice


Eastern Counties Railway letter from the Locomotive & Carriage Department, at Stratford Station, giving coke allowances etc. Hand written on blue paper and dated September 23rd, 1850.

ECR letter


Rule book, Eastern Counties Railway, 1854, general, includes Company's Bye- Laws and extracts from Act of Parliament, receipt signed by Francis Shepherd, 187 pages, dark red card cover.

Eastern Counties Railway Rule Book 1854


Rule Book, Eastern Counties Railway, issued by J B Owen, Secretary, 1854.

Rule Book, Eastern Counties Railway, 1854


Notice, Eastern Counties Railway, Railway Excitement at Sudbury Respecting the Well Grounded Complaints and Threatened Opposition, featuring the satirical poem 'Hoys Donkey'.

Railway Excitement at Sudbury

Notice, Eastern Counties Railway, Remonstrance of the engine drivers on the Eastern Counties Railway, featuring the satirical poem 'Hoys Donkey'

Remonstrance of the engine drivers on hte EAstern Counties Railway

Notice, Eastern Counties Railway, Re Weighing of goods, Signed R. Moseley, Manager's Office, London 24 February 1859.

Weighing of Goods